Advanced Export Changelog
1.3.20-AC (23rd August 2024)
- ✅ added support for Jira Service Management Assets field in scheduled reports
- Exported Assets fields contain their labels for now, although you'll soon be able to customise the format fields are exported in (e.g. export asset's attribute instead).
- Assets are only supported in scheduled reports at the moment. Preview and export from the browser will result in values being exported as "<Assets only supported in scheduled reports>".
- To read more about Assets in JSM, check Atlassian's documentation (opens in a new tab).
1.3.19-AC (22nd April 2024)
We've added the ability to accees results of scheduled exports via API. This is useful if you want to integrate the results with other systems or if you want to build your own dashboard.
API is authenticated using API Key. To generate an API Key, go to the Advanced Export Dashboard, click Settings -> API Configuration.:
- ✅ new scheduled exports delivery method: API
- ✅ API v1: Ability to query schedules, schedule details and download reports (for schedules with API delivery method) via API at (opens in a new tab)
1.3.18-AC (25th March 2024)
You can now export issues by agile board and sprint. You don't have to use JQL or filters, just select the board and sprint you want to export.
You can of course schedule exports saved with board and sprint filter as well.
- ✅ For Jira Software users: Filter issues by agile board and sprint
- 🐛 Minor usability fixes
1.3.17-AC (24th February 2024)
We'll pause the scheduled reports automatically after 5 or more failures in a row.
To reactivate the reports, go to Schedule modal and toggle the "Paused" switch in the upper right corner.
- ✅ Scheduled reports: Ability to pause scheduled reports
- ✅ Scheduled reports: Pause reports automatically after 5 or more failures in a row
- ✅ Schedule modal: Cosmetic changes to the footer
- 📄 We started calling "scheduled exports" "scheduled reports".
1.3.16-AC (9th January 2024)
New method of delivering scheduled reports: webhooks.
You can now specify a webook URL, and custom headers which will be used to send a POST request. Payload of the request will be the report file.
There's an example implementation of the webhook endpoint in the scheduled exports documentation.
- ✅ Scheduled reports: Ability to send scheduled reports via webhooks
1.3.15-AC (6th January 2024)
Added ability to execute scheduled exports manually at any time. This is useful if you want to test your scheduled exports or if you want to generate a report right now. Depending on the configuration, it will send notification emails, upload to SFTP server etc.
Execute now button in the schedule dialog:
Example of manual report execution in the execution log:
- ✅ Scheduled reports: Ability to execute scheduled report manually at any time
1.3.14-AC (4th January 2024)
Added support for SFTP server upload for scheduled reports. This means you now have 3 ways to delivery your reports:
- email attachments
- download link
- SFTP server upload
- ✅ Scheduled reports: Ability to upload scheduled reports to SFTP server
- ✅ SFTP server management modal (add/edit/delete)
- ✅ Support for Parent link field
- 🐛 Parent issue field wasn't exporting data
1.3.13-AC (31st December 2023) 🎉🎉🎉
We're ending the year with a release of feature requested by many of our customers - 🎁 ability download large report files.
Scheduled reports were so far sent as email attachments, which meant they were limited to 25MB in size. You can now choose to receive reports via "download link", which allows you to download reports of any size.
- ✅ Scheduled reports: Ability to download large reports via a link (sent in an email and available in the dashboard). This is an alternative to receiving reports as email attachments.
- ✅ Dashboard: Presentation of schedule preview and execution log in the dashboard has been improved.
- ✅ Email templates for scheduled reports: New variable available: "dashboardUrl".
- ✅ Help menu now contains link to the service desk portal.
- 🐛 Fixed: Export preview crashed when switching from "raw JSON" to CSV format.
- 🐛 Fixed: Schedule modal: weekly schedule didn't correctly show selected report days.
- 🐛 Fixed: Several minor visual issues
When using "download link" report delivery method, the report is stored in AWS S3 storage encrypted. It's deleted after the link expires (you can select when you want the link to expire). We don't store any of your data, but we need to store the report file temporarily in order to be able to send it to you.
1.3.10-AC (15th December 2023)
This is a release addressing few issues reported by users and improving overall user experience.
- [feature] Added locale support. By default, new export configurations will pick up locale from your Jira profile. You can change it to whatever you like in the "Format" tab of export config settings. Locale will affect how dates and numbers are formatted.
- [feature] Reorganised settings for export configurations (they're now grouped in 3 tabs: Data, Format, CSV specific settings).
- [feature] You can now live preview raw JSON format too (apart from simplified JSON).
- [feature] You can not reorder fields which were previously locked in place: "Key", "Created" and 4 fields added when exporting history: "As Of", "Changed Fields", "Change Author" and "Time to Next Change".
- [feature] Option to add empty line after every issue when exporting history of changes.
- [change] JSON export - fields which are computed (i.e. not received directly from Jira) are now prefixed with "ae_". There are currently 4 of them: "ae_asOf", "ae_changedFields", "ae_changeAuthor", "ae_timeToNextChange"
- [change] The details in the dashboard list of export configs now shows if the history is exports, and what locale the export uses
1.3.8-AC (12th December 2023)
We have reworked the UI for the whole application! It is now consistent with Jira interface and should be easier to use.
- [feature] dark mode support
- [feature] simplified JSON export
- [fix] JSON exports now format dates in ISO 8601 format
- [fix] changes to Excel export - types for numbers and dates and now properly exported which means Excel can interpret them as such and use its configured locale for formatting
1.3.7-AC (24th June 2023)
We have added the ability to use SendGrid as an email provider. This way you can start sending reports using your email service which is useful if you want emails coming from your domain. Set up is simple and requires API Key which can be obtained from your SendGrid account. For more information refer to App Settings page.
- [feature] Ability to use SendGrid as an email provider.
1.3.3-AC (16th June 2023)
- [feature] Ability to set permission to create scheduled reports in the Admin -> Apps settings page
1.3.2-AC (3rd June 2023)
Minor changes and enhancements to Scheduled Exports options basef on the feedback.
- [feature] Scheduled reports: We rearranged email options in the dialog to make it more readable
- [feature] Scheduled reports: Ability to define templates for email subject and text. You can include any text in your report email and use variables like number of exported rows, size of the report file etc.
1.3.1-AC (31st May 2023)
We're continuing to work on improving Scheduled Exports based on the feedback from our lovely customers!
- [feature] Scheduled reports: Ability to compress exported files using ZIP. This typically reduces size of the file 10 times, which is useful given size limit for email attachement sent by our system is 25MB.
- [feature] Scheduled reports: Ability to set the exact hour of when report should be generated (in a time zone of your choosing). The report is generated within 60 minutes time window from the selected hour.
- [fix] Scheduled reports: There were cases reports didn't get generated because our system got overloaded. We scaled the backend up accordingly and everything seems to be running smoothly now!
- [fix] Saving of export configuration with long JQL statement failed. JQL can now have up to 2048 characters.
- as usual, a host of other smaller improvements
1.3.0-AC (18th May 2023)
This is a major release with several new features.
The most notable one is ability to schedule recurring exports.
You can still use Advanced Export as before, for exporting directly via browser (in which case they're generated on the fly, in the browser), however we find scheduling recurrent exports just so much more convenient!
Note, that the app now asks for "Act on JIRA user's behalf" permission in order to be able to generate scheduled exports.
We still don't store any of your data, but we need this permission to be able to execute scheduled exports on the server on behalf of the user who defined the export. Scheduled exports are sent as email attachments and at no time are they stored on our servers.
- [feature] Added Dashboard where you can create/view/edit or schedule defined exports.
- [feature] Ability to schedule recurrent exports (daily, weekly on specified day of the week, monthly, yearly).
- [fix] Fixed error retrieving saved exports when page left open for a long time (error 401 caused by expiring Jira security token).
- [fix] Other minor fixes and improvements.
Visual and usability improvements.
- [feature] Visual changes to the export creation page. Download/Schedule buttons are now at the bottom.
- [improvement] Warn when leaving the export screen if there are unsaved changes.
- [fix] Fixed issues when Excel export would fail because a cell contains more than 32767 characters (that's an Excel limitation). We truncate the cell content to 32767 characters.
- [fix] Other minor fixes and improvements.