Atlassian apps
Replay View

Replay View

Replay view

How to select issues for animation

Use the JQL editor or "From filter" dialog to select issues. JQL editor opens automatically when clicking on the JQL text field.

Settings, including JQL editor and 'From filter' link

Try to limit number of your issues. If your retrospective meeting follows a sprint, use JQL filter to limit issues from the last sprint (something like project = DEV and Sprint = "My Sprint 6").

Note, that the number of issues being analysed as well as number of status or assignee change events across all these issues is displayed to the right of the JQL editor.

How to configure columns

Initially you'll be notified there are statuses not assigned to columns.

Warning about unassigned columns

Click the Configure Columns button in the Settings area to open configuration dialog.

Configure columns dialog

Columns are configured independently from Jira workflow. A single column can contain more that one status, so you can group statuses which:

  • are similar, becaue they come from different priojects (e.g. you can have Done status for Project A and Closed status for ?Project B)
  • belong the same phase of the workflow and you're interested in bigger picture (e.g. Todo, Backlog, Selected for Development can all belond to single column showing items before development has started).

How to animate

Animation area

By default (i.e. when automatic times are on), animation will span from the time first issue was created to the last status change event of any issue. All you have to do is one of:

  • click anywhere in the Cumulative Flow Diagram below Settings to navigate to that point in time. The Kanban board below will show state of the project at that time
  • press the big blue Play button and watch the animation run. You can adjust speed of animation with the button with times (e.g. 30s will scale the animation to last 30 seconds etc.)
  • press Next/Previous event buttons to navigate between status change events. You'll see single issues moving across columns.

Other settings

Settings, including JQL editor and 'From filter' link

You can specify custom start and end times as well as customise the looks of the items (Display Settings menu in Settings area). Issues on the board can be compact:

Minimalistic issue look

or contain more information:

  • Where the issue moved from (field in the upper left) and where it's moving to next (field in the upper right). You can click on these fields to navigate to the time when the issue moves to/from these columns.
  • Progress bar showing how much longer will the issue stay in the current column (80% and 18% in the example below).

Issue with extra information