Atlassian apps

Advanced Export (Jira)

With Advanced Export for JIRA you can easily export any number of issues and fields (optionally including history of changes) for further analysis in a spreadsheet or other tools.

You can export directly from the browser or schedule recurrent exports to be sent to your email on specified times.

Simply select what standard JIRA fields of custom fields you’re interested in and download exported files:

  • CSV (Comma-separated values)
  • Excel XLSX
  • JSON (useful for further programmatic analysis)

The file will contain additional row for every change of any of the selected fields.

This app is Cloud Fortified (opens in a new tab). See Data Security and Privacy for more details.

Example use cases

Let’s assume there’s a JIRA project with 2 custom fields: Ice Cream Flavor and Reason. Issues in this project track current preferences for ice cream. Owner of one of the issues started with "Vanilla" ice cream and a reason of "Safe Choice". He then changed the fields to "Chocolate" and "Adventurous", followed by "Strawberry" and "Why Not".

All these changes can be found in issue history panel in JIRA, however analysis would become cumbersome if we had tens or hundreds of issues with many changes for each.

With Advanced Export add-on you can export CSV file which would look similar to the below (assuming we’re exporting fields Created, Ice Cream Flavor, Reason, Assignee):

KeyAs of dateChanged fieldsTime in this stateCreatedIce cream flavourReasonAssignee
1TST-105/23/2022365d05/01/2022StrawberryWhy NotJohn
2TST-105/15/2022Ice Cream Flavor, Reason8d05/01/2022StrawberryWhy notJohn
3TST-105/10/2022Ice Cream Flavor, Reason5d05/01/2022ChocolateAdventurousJohn
4TST-105/05/2022Assignee5d05/01/2022VanillaSafe ChoiceJohn
5TST-105/01/20225d05/01/2022VanillaSafe ChoiceTomek

Columns Key, As Of Date, Changed Fields, Time in this state are always added by the report.

  • Row 1: current values of fields. Changed Fields is empty as there were no changes on the day the report was generated. Time in this state shows how long the issue has been in the current state. If the report was generated on 05/23/2023 (1 year after the last transition), the value would be 365 days.
  • Rows 2-4: rows representing snapshots of values of fields on the dates changes occurred. Changed Fields show which fields were amended. Time in this state shows how long the issue has been in the current state. Note, that this value shows time to the change of any field. It took 5 days before Assigneed got changed from Tomek to John, then another 5 days before Ice Cream Flavor and Reason were changed, and so on.
  • Row 5: initial state of the issue as it was created. Time in this state shows the time until any field was changed.

Note, that values in columns Created and Assignee remained constant.


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Dashboard is accessible through Apps (menu bar at the top of the screen) -> Advanced Export.

Apps menu with Advanced export

Once you open the dashboard, you can create a new export, view other exports or schedule them.


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Advanced issue search screen

You can also use Advanced Export via icon on any Advanced issue search screen as seen below:

Advanced Export icon on the Search issues screen

Exporting data

Select fields that you want to export, and choose whether history should be exported as well (this will produce extra rows for each change of the issue, as described above).

Advanced Export view


Preview shows actual data from the first few issues being exported. It changes as you select fields to export and change settings.

You can save your export configuration for later use. Saved configuration will be visible in the dashboard.

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