

Install Funnels app by going to Apps Marketplace (opens in a new tab) and searching for Funnels.

Apps Marketplace

The app consists of 2 Board Views. Once installed, you can add these views to your board from the Views dropdown.

Add View -> More Views

Select More views, search for funnels, and select one of the 2 views to add them.

Funnels selected in Views center:

Funnels selected in Views center

First time use

Configure your new Funnel or Tree view by selecting Status column, and optionally adjusting other View Settings.

Funnel View Settings. Select Status column first:

Funnel View Settings. Select Status column first

To change default order of Statuses, just drag and drop them at the top of the Funnel views.

Drag and drop to reorder Statuses. Click to enable/disable Status:

Drag and drop to reorder Statuses. Click to enable/disable Status

Hover over any node in the view to see more details.


Click any node to drill down to the level of individual items.

Select node to see item details. Click item name to open more dialog with more information:

Select node to see item details. Click item name to open more dialog with more information