Frequently Asked Questions

How many issues can I animate or analyse?

Retrospecitve Tools can analyse uo to 1000 issues.

To avoid going over that limit, you can make JQL more specific and filter a sprint or creation date of issues. For example:

project = DEV and Sprint = "My Sprint 6"

See more examples in this Atlassian Community article: Common JQL queries for sprints in Jira Cloud (opens in a new tab)

How to find bottlenecks in my process/workflow

Use Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD) to find bottlenecks and other problems in your workflow and process. For an in-depth analysis of what CFD chart can show, check this article by Pawel Brodzinski (opens in a new tab).

Note, that you can configure columns on the board to contain more than one status. This would allow you to merge all related statuses (for example ‘back end development’, ‘front end development’, ‘code review’) into one column to make it easier to spot bottlenecks.

Plugin page doesn’t load. “Add-on Retrospective Tools for JIRA is not responding.”

This is likely a sign of project or board permissions setup problem.

The plugin can only access projects or boards which are visible to the special system generated user named You can see this user at the following URL:

where YOUR_ORGANISATION is the relevant account name. This is what the user admin page looks like:

Site administration - user

To correct permissions please make sure, that this user has read access to the projects you are trying to use it against. One of the methods to do this is:

  • note groups in the USERS role in your project. (See Atlassian JIRA Cloud documentation for more on project roles.)
  • make sure, that user belongs to at least one of these groups

In the above example screenshot the special user belongs to jira-users group, so you’d have to make sure that project you’re trying to user the plugin with has jira-users group listed in the USERS role.

Any other problems

Send us an email: [email protected].